INTRoS / BioG / NeWS / PRoFiLeS / TuNeS / GiGS / PHoToS / CoNTaCTS / LiNKS

HeaR TWo SoNGs 'ELLioT' aND 'Go!' aND THe STaRS oN RaDio 1: iN THe TuNeS SeCTioN.........THe STaRS ReCRuiT NeW MeMBeRS: See NeWS SeCTioN


NaMe:    Rob Ash -  The Monkey Man

BaND RoLe:    Bassist/ Songwriter

FaVouRiTe MuSiC: SFA, Grandaddy, Mary Chain, Primals, Teenage Fanclub, Big Star, The Fall, Can, Aphex Twin, Beta Band, Beach Boys, Love, the Clash, Small Faces, 60s Garage Bands, Dub, Motown, 60ft Dolls, El Goodo, The Strokes, The mAKE-UP

FaVouRiTE FiLMS:  Quadrophenia, Taxi Driver, Existenz, ET, Twin Town, Every Which Way But Loose, Mallrats, Clerks

FaVouRiTe BooKS:    "Cosmic Trigger" Robert Anton Wilson, "1984" George Orwell, "A Clockwork Orange" Anthony Burgess, "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" Ken Kesey, "The Plague" & "The Outsider" Albert Camus, "Billy Liar" Keith Waterhouse, "I Was A Teenage Sex Pistol" Glen Matlock, "In Cold Blood" Truman Capote, "Ham On Rye" Charles Bukowski, "Catcher In The Rye" J.D. Salinger, "Slow Death" Stewart Home, "Saturday Night, Sunday Morning" Alan Stilltoe, "Head On" Julian Cope & "Diary Of A Rock And Roll Star" Ian Hunter

HeRoeS:   Johnny Rotten/John Lydon & Mark E. Smith, My friends and the band

ViLLaiNS:    Intolerant loudmouths who waste no opportunity to broadcast their ill-informed opinions and corporate indie bands who peddle lame-ass whiney music